Visual Analysis Project
Fibonacci Sequence
The Fibonacci Sequence is a mathematics infinite succession composed of a series of natural numbers that starts with adding 0 and 1 and goes up by adding the two previous digits.
0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34... (0+1=1 / 1+1=2 / 1+2=3 / 2+3=5 / 3+5=8 / 5+8=13 / 8+13=21 / 13+21=34...)
Who was Fibonacci?
He was an Italian mathematician in the XIII century. He was the first to write the fibonacci sequence, which he first started mentioning it in his book Liber Abaci. Fibonacci was the son of a merchant , so he was used to traveling a lot and he was raised in an environment where mathematics where really important, which sparked his interest in them. He also lived in North
Africa, which helped him develop his knowledge of arithmetic and mathematic with the Hindu and Arabic methods. As time passed by he started making huge progress that were very important for the fields of geometry, commercial arithmetics, and irrational numbers.
The Fibonacci Spiral or Golden Ratio
The Fibonacci sequence appears in every object of the universe from tree branches, flower seeds, and leaves of flowers, to hurricanes and even galaxies, from which the idea of the Fibonacci Spiral was obtained.
The Fibonacci Spiral is a series of connected circles drawn in a series of squares regulated by the Fibonacci Numbers. The squares perfectly fit as a result of nature, where any number is equal to the addition of the two previous ones. The spiral or rectangle created as a consequence of this, is known as The Golden Ratio. Each of the Fibonacci Numbers gets closer to the Golden Number, which is 1.618034, digit that even architects and sculptors, like Da Vinci and Michelangelo, have employed in their work.
The Project
For this project I was required to portray in any way the primary, secondary, and complimentary colors with the use of the Golden Ratio.
My Project
I decided to draw with charcoal the face of Marylyn Monroe and add color by making the lips bright red with color pencils. I chose to draw this for two reasons, first because the human face is one of best examples to show the golden ratio, and also because Marylyn Monroe was one of the icons of pop art, which implemented a lot of colors. Below is the original sketch:
Here I added the primary colors to the first row and the secondary to the second row along with the Golden Ratio.
The grid below is the drawing with a mixture of complimentary colors. the first row contains the complimentary colors on a white background, unlike the second row that has a colored background that contrasts with the color of the actual sketch.