Man made Grid
In this project i had to look for pictures of man made things and put together 20 of these pictures in a 4 x 5 grid.
My Point of View
Whenever we talk about humans and man made things the first two words that come up to my mind are destruction and selfishness. Humans would do anything to obtain what they want, they destroy everything that's in the way to get what they want, they even kill for absurd things like to get clothing out of animal's skin, and sometimes they kill for no reason, just for fun. People don't realize the harm they are causing the environment and they don't see the extent of the environmental pollution nor the consequences of the actions they are taking to reach their wants.
Here is a video that will summarize my point of view regarding humans.
My Project
Below is a chart explaining the images
In depth with the environmental disasters
Eccocide in vietnam :
Occurred during the vietnam war when the American military strategists ordered the destruction of farmland and rice paddies that fed the enemies, which as a consequence caused the devastation of the Fauna and Flora of the place .
Jill Chemical Plant Explosion:
Chemical Plant explosions that occurred in China, which polluted the Songhua river with around 100 tons of pollutants
The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
260,000 to 750,000 barrels of crude oil was spilled in Prince William Sounds, Alaska by the oil tanker Exxon Valdez after it ran into Bligh Reef.
250,000 seabirds, at least 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 247 Bald Eagles, and 22 Orcas, and an unknown number of salmon and herring died.
Pacific Gyre Garbage Patch
Is a enormous concentration of marine debris in the Pacific Ocean caused by marine pollution gathered by oceanic currents.